Butoh is a form of contemporary Japanese dance. Created in the 1960s by the dancers Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ôno, butoh was born as a highly anarchic artistic expression as compared to traditional theatre and performing arts, such as nô or kabuki.
With no specific rules, repertoire or coded choreography, butoh dance is essentially characterised by its absolute lack of predetermined styles, and only the spontaneity, deep personality and intrinsic sincerity of the dancer form the basis of the dance and infuse its expression with strength and character.
Practiced around the world, butoh (literally meaning “dancing” and “stamping on the ground” 舞 踏) is not just an artistic expression, but even more a form of meditation in movement, a lifestyle capable of integrating all aspects of daily life and existence: an authentic initiation itinerary, a true “Path” that, through the body’s natural expressivity, the music and the power of emotions, draws on deep memories inscribed in the body, touching living archetypal images and awakening the energies slumbering within us.
“Butoh Therapy”©
For some years – thanks to his long experience in the field of body awareness and butoh dance, as well as to his work as an anthropologist specialised in Asian religions – Martino Nicoletti has applied this specific form of dance in France to a dance-therapy framework.
Based on the very introspective character of butoh and inspired by numerous principles of zen philosophy (such as wabi-sabi, or “ephemeral beauty”), this unique and innovative approach facilitates real immersion into the depths of the body, freeing it from atavic blocks through movement, de-crystallizing fears through music, transforming “sclerosing” emotions and inner “monsters” into positive openings thanks to the power of mental display; transmuting limits into creative potential through total physical “letting go” and the intrinsic “enstatic” feature of butoh dance. This fascinating journey is made possible by listening to the “profound voice” of the body and accepting its benevolent guidance.
“Butoh Therapy”© Training
Constructed on a systematic and coherent itinerary at various levels, Butoh-therapy is an approach to self-knowledge, open to all. A specific aspect of this method focuses on the accompaniment of people affected by chronic physical pain, emotional pain, fibromyalgia, anorexia and other illnesses.
This same approach is also particularly indicated as complementary training for professionals in performing and performance arts (actors, dancers, performers), aimed at enabling them to discover, enhance and utilize their potential in terms of subtle sensitivity and inner insight, as well as of freedom on stage and spontaneous expressive power.
The training – especially at pre-expressive level –provides concrete tools to identify, increase, shape and channel physical and subtle vital energy, so that it can be employed as a fundamental element of own scenic presence and creativity.
“Butoh Therapy” is a copyright by Martino Nicoletti, 2017