Martino Nicoletti (PhD in Anthropology; Practice-based PhD in Arts), writer, multimedia artist and ethnologist has been active for over twenty years in visual anthropology and visual arts in southern and south-eastern Asia.

He is the author of numerous works devoted to the religions and spirituality of the Himalayas, travel books, photographic books, artist’s books and literary works, published in various languages.

As creator of both the character and term “artist-anthropologist” (Experimental Film and Anthropology, London, Bloomsbury, 2014), Martino Nicoletti’s activity has developed a fluid interweaving of multimedia arts, performing arts and anthropology.

On 2015 he leaves academic world, so as to devote himself exclusively to his work as an artist and a teacher of Dynamic Body Awareness and Butoh-therapy, two psychophysical methods created by Martino himself and currently taught in France and Asia.

In 2017 he creates the independent publishing house Le loup des steppes (LINK)



2012 Practice-based PhD in Multimedia Arts. University of the West of Scotland – School of Creative and Cultural Industries. Thesis title: Submerged Landscapes: Aesthetics of Visual Primitivism

1997 Ph.D. in Anthropology (Ethno-anthropological research methodologies). University of Siena – Faculty of Humanities. Thesis title: La foresta ancestrale: uno studio sull’immaginario religioso dei Kulunge Râi dell’Himalaya nepalese (The Ancestral Forest: A Study on the Religious Imagery of the Kulunge Râi of the Nepal Himalayas)


1992 Master degree in “ethnology”. University of Perugia – Faculty of Humanities. Marks 110/110 cum laude and recognition of suitability for publication. Thesis title: Motivi sciamanici nella religione Bon (Shamanic Motifs in Bon Religion)

Other Relevant Awards

2014 Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education – University of Derby

1994 Diplôme d’études approfondies (D.E.A) in “Ethnologie générale et sociologie comparative”. Université de Paris X (Nanterre) – Laboratiore d’ethnologie et de sociologie comparative

1994 Post-master diploma in “scientific cinematography” at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes – Sorbonne, Paris

1994: Course in “cinema and anthropology” at the Musée de l’Homme – Paris (Prof. Jean Rouch)

In the field of performing arts, between 2004 and 2011, participation in a long series of butoh dance workshops – Akira Kasai (Roma, 2004), Masaki Iwana (Napoli, 2004, Roma 2005); Yumiko Yoshioka, (Roma, 2005), Lindsay John (Glasgow, 2011) – and tantric dances of the Kathmandu Valley (charya nritya) with Rameshwor Maharjan (Kathmandu, 2007).

2013-2015: Senior Lecturer in Fine Art Photography at the School of Art and Design of the University of Derby

2009-2010: Part-time Lecturer in Lens-based Media at the School of Creative and Cultural Industries of the University of the West of Scotland

1998-2000: Lecturer in Visual Anthropology at the University of Perugia – Faculty of Humanities

1998-2000: Lecturer in History of Religions at the University of Perugia – Faculty of Arts and Humanities

1998-2002: MA thesis supervisor Visual Anthropology at the University of Perugia – Faculty of Humanities



– Nicoletti M. (2024), Il danzatore sciamano: il Butô giapponese come pratica di meditazione, cammino interiore e guarigione di sé, Bologna, OM Edizioni

– Nicoletti M. (2023), Uno sciamano mi raccontò: La nascita dell’universo secondo un mito sacro himalayano, Crédin, Le loup des steppes

– Nicoletti M. (2023), L’insegnamento delle nuvole: La contemplazione del cielo come pratica di meditazione, Crédin, Le loup des steppes

– Nicoletti M. (2023), Battiato e la dea tibetana tagliatrice di teste: Quando il Maestro offrì la sua voce per narrare di un antico rito sacro (volume con link al brano musicale e al cortometraggio), Crédin, Le loup des steppes

– Nicoletti M. (2022), Battiato: cinque foto stenopeiche (Evocare le forme pronunciando nomi di archetipi), Crédin, Le loup des steppes

– Nicoletti M. (2022), Non devo guardarti negli occhi: lo zoo delle donne giraffa, Vannes, Le loup des steppes

– Nicoletti M. (2022), Covidismo 2.0: la nuova religione globale, Bologna, OM Edizioni

– Nicoletti M. (2021), Lo sciamano e la fanciulla della foresta: vocazione mistica, estasi e viaggio magico nello sciamanesimo dell’Himalaya, Bologna, OM Edizioni

– Nicoletti M. (2019a), Cavalcare il Kali Yuga: Il libro del “guerriero dello spirito”, Bologna, OM

– Nicoletti M. (2019b), Catania fish, Editions le loup des steppes, Paris

– Sri Ramana Maharshi (2019c), Cinque strofe sul Sé (Ekatma panchakam), Paris, Le loup des steppes (translated and edited by Martino Nicoletti)

I tre precetti: dalla trasmissione orale della Grande Perfezione dello Zhangzhung, (2019d) (with the teachings of Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche; translation and commentary by Jean-Luc Achard; Italian edition edited by Martino Nicoletti), Paris, Le loup des steppes

– Sri Ramana Maharshi (2018a), L’essenza dell’insegnamento (upadesa saram), Paris, Éditions Le loup des steppes (translated and edited by Martino Nicoletti)

– Jean Absat (2018b) (traduction et introduction Martino Nicoletti), Corps et prière : noblesse d’un fil d’herbe, Paris, Editions le loup des steppes, 2018

– Nicoletti M. (2018c), « Dire l’ombre» : Quand la pratique artistique devient une nécessité ethnographique (Un écrit à la mémoire de Philippe Sagant), Paris, Le loups des steppes

– Nicoletti M. (2016a), Kathmandu: diario dal kali yuga (book + CD), Paris, Le loup des steppes

–  Nicoletti M. (2016b), Anime di sabbia, Paris, Le loup des steppes

– Nicoletti M. and Chlasta Cl. (2016c), Les constellations médiumniques, Paris, Le loup des steppes

–  Nicoletti M. and Chlasta Cl. (2015d), La petite fille qui parlait au soldat mort : une médium raconte le long voyage de l’âme, Paris, Le loup des steppes (1st ed.: Le Touvet, Ambre Editions, 2015)

–  Nicoletti M. (2015a), Kathmandu: Lessons of Darkness, Milan, Mimesis International;

–  Nicoletti M. (2015b), The Snowy Snap : The Story of Chaturman Rai, Himalayan Folk-photographer and Film-maker, Milan, Mimesis International

– Nicoletti M. (2014a), Ce corps qui nous guérit : la conscience corporelle comme clé de connaissance et outil de transformation de soi, Romont, Recto-Verseau (Italian Edition : Il corpo di guarigione, Torino, 2014)

–  Nicoletti M. (2014b), Cantare tra le mani, Torino: Lindau

– Nicoletti M. (2013a), The Zoo of the Giraffe Women: A Journey among the Kayan of Northern Thailand, Kathmandu: Vajra Publications (orig. edition: Rome 2011)

– Nicoletti M. (2013b), The Nomadic Sacrifice: The Chöd Pilgrimage among the Bönpo of Dolpo (Western Nepal), Kathmandu: Vajra Publications (orig. edition: Rome 2010)

– Nicoletti M. (2012), Kathmandu. Lezioni di tenebre, Roma: Casadei Libri

– Nicoletti M. (2011a), L’uomo che dialogava con il coyote: una breve incursione sul tema Joseph Beuys e sciamanesimo, (The Man who Talked with the Coyote: About Joseph Beuys and Asian Shamanism), Roma, Exòrma, 2011

– Nicoletti M. (2011b), Birbal. Piccolo sciamano (Birbal, the Young Shaman) Perugia, Edizioni corsare

– Nicoletti M. (2010a), Chaturman Rai: fotografo contadino dell’Himalaya (Chaturman Rai: Folk-photographer of the Himalayas), Roma, Exòrma

– Nicoletti M. (2010b), Taccuino Kathmandu, Roma, Exòrma

– Nicoletti M. (2008a), The Path of Light: Ritual Music of the Tibetan Bon, Bologna: Borgatti Edizioni Musicali (CD-book)

– Nicoletti M. (2008b), The Ecstatic Body: Notes on Shamanism and Corporeity in Nepal, Kathmandu, Vajra Publications

– Nicoletti M. (2006a), The Ancestral Forest: Memory, Space and Ritual among the Kulunge Rai of Eastern Nepal, Kathmandu, Vajra Publications (orig. edition: Milano: Franco Angeli, 1999)

– Nicoletti M. (2006b), Shamanic Solitudes: Ecstasy, Madness and Spirit Possession in the Nepal Himalayas, Kathmandu, Vajra Publications (orig. edition: Napoli 2002)

– Nicoletti M. (2005), Riddum: The Sacred Word of Sancha Prasad Rai, Shaman of the Himalayas, Roma, Castelvecchi (orig. edition: Kathmandu 2004)

– Nicoletti M. (2022), Battiato: cinque foto stenopeiche (Evocare le forme pronunciando nomi di archetipi), Crédin, Le loup des steppes

– Nicoletti M. (2018), Incessante presenza, Paris, Éditions Le loup des steppes

– Nicoletti M. (2018), Gudel, Paris, Éditions Le loup des steppes

– Nicoletti M. (2017) Les routes d’eau, Paris, Le loup des steppes

– Nicoletti M. (2015) Water Memory: An orphic post-mortem journey, Paris, Abaris

– Nicoletti M. (2015) Bangkok Skyline: Five Photographs plus One, Paris, Abaris

– Nicoletti M. (2011), Orfeu tra i popoli fanciulli, (Orfeu in the Himalyas), Kathmandu

– Nicoletti M. (2010), Submerged Landscapes: A Pinhole Photographic Tale, Bangkok, Parbphin LDT

– Nicoletti M. (2010), Interregnum, Bangkok, Parbphin LDT

– Nicoletti M. (2009), Kathmandu, leçons de ténèbres. Bangkok: One Editions

– Nicoletti M., Uno sciamano mi raccontò: La nascita dell’universo secondo un mito sacro himalayano, Crédin, Le loup des steppes, 2023

– M. Nicoletti (2015), Birbal. Il piccolo sciamano, Perugia, Edizioni Corsare, 2011

La lampada che illumina e chiarisce la Base universale (traduzione dal tibetano di Philippe Cornu) Vannes, Le loup des steppes, 2022

Lungtok Tenpai Nyima, A-Tri Dzogchen: Insegnamenti Bönpo del lignaggio A-Tri, Vannes, Le loup des steppes, 2021

Jean-Luc Achard, La nozione di Base nello Dzogchen, Vannes, Le Loup des Steppes, 2021

Yongdzin Lopon Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche (2020a), Insegnamenti Dzogchen Bonpo (a cura di John Myrdhin Reynolds), Vannes, Le loup des steppes

Hariwansh Lal Poonja (Papaji) (2020b), Sul silenzio, Vannes, Le loup des steppes

I Dodici piccoli tantra della Grande Perfezione (2020c) (traduzione dal tibetano di Philippe Cornu), Vannes, Le loup des steppes

Jean-Luc Achard (2019a), A Khrid: le istruzioni sulla “A” primordiale, Vannes, Le loup des steppes

Sri Ramana Maharshi (2019b), Cinque strofe sul Sé (Ekatma panchakam), Paris, Le loup des steppes

Sri Ramana Maharshi (2019c), Versi sparsi, Paris, Le loup des steppes

I tre precetti: dalla trasmissione orale della Grande Perfezione dello Zhangzhung (2019d) (con gli insegnamenti di Lopön Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche) (traduzione e commento di Jean-Luc Achard, Paris, Le loup des steppes

– Sri Ramana Maharshi (2018), L’essenza dell’insegnamento (Upadesa saram), Paris, Éditions Le loup des steppes

– Absat Jean (2017), Corpo e preghiera: nobiltà di un filo d’erba, Paris, Le loup des steppes

Chapters in collective works

– Nicoletti M. (2014), ‘Dèmoni di polvere e dèi di riso bollito: Sciamanesimo e arte rituale effimera in Himalaya’, in: Pagnani O. (ed.) Le nove porte: sciamanesimo e arte contemporanea, pp. 131-169

– Nicoletti M. (2014), ‘Al nono piano, un’installazione: “Abitazione di antropologo – 1977”’, in: Pagnani O. (ed.) Le nove porte: sciamanesimo e arte contemporanea, pp. 227-236;

– Nicoletti, M. (2014),Visual Media Primitivism: Toward a Poetic Ethnography’, in A. Schneider and C. Pasqualino (eds.) Experimental Film and Anthropology, London: Bloomsbury, pp. 165-181

Scientific articles

– Nicoletti M. (1995-’96), ‘Sacro e storia: appunti e considerazioni sul tema della critica di Ernesto De Martino alla corrente di Fenomenologia delle Religioni’, Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia – Università degli Studi di Perugia (sezione: studi storico-antropologici), Vol. 33, pp. 205-256

– Nicoletti M. (1995), ‘L’espace humain et l’espace non-humain: contribution à l’étude de l’habitation et des conceptions qui y sont associées chez les Yakha Dewân du Népal oriental’, Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni, Vol. 61 (n.s. 19,1), pp. 151-202

– Nicoletti M. (1990-’91), ‘Elementi sciamanici nel rituale autosacrificale del gcod’, Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università degli studi di Perugia, Vol. 28, pp. 237-257

– Nicoletti M. (2012), ‘Demons of Dust and Gods of Boiled Rice: Shamanism and Ephemeral Ritual Art in the Himalayas’, Asian Journal of Literature, Culture and Society (ACSA Conference Special Issue), Vol. 05, n. 03 (Dec. 2011), Assumption University, Bangkok, 1-3 November 2010), pp. 128-148

– Nicoletti M. (2010a), ‘Vintage Visual Anthropology: A Himalayan Pilgrimage Narrated through 16 Black and White Photographs, 34 Pages of Field-work Journal and 6 Minutes of Super8 Film’, in: Proceedings of the International Symposium: Freeze Frames. For a Combination of Photography and Film (Musée du Quai Branly, Paris – 9-10 April, 2010) (on line publication) (Ebook)

– Nicoletti M. (2010b), ‘Presenza e vertigine: il corpo sciamanico’, in: Conforti R., Scalera McClintock G. (eds.) La Mente e l’Estasi (Atti del Convegno tenutosi presso la Provincia di Salerno il 20-22 ottobre 2005), Catanzaro: Rubbettino, pp. 45-70

– Nicoletti M. (2006), ‘L’ingresso simbolico nella selva: appunti intorno ai motivi del pericolo, del potere e della conquista, in: Falini P.E. (ed.) Lucus: Luoghi sacri in Europa, Spoleto: Litostampa 3B, pp. 59-80

– Nicoletti M. (1999), ‘Say pom: Space, Movement and Symbol in a Himalayan Therapeutic Ritual’, in: Mastromattei R., Rigopoulos A. (eds.), Shamanic Cosmos: From India to the North Pole Star. Venice – New Delhi: Venetian Academy of Indian Studies – D.K. Printworld (P) Ltd., pp. 143-180

– Nicoletti M. (1999), “Geografie vissute e ‘geografie occulte’ nella realtà del fiume Bagmati”, in: Sestini V., Somigli E. (eds.), Bagmati River Park 2000, Firenze: Polistampa, pp. 17-18

– Nicoletti M. (1995), ‘Bon e sciamanismo: studio introduttivo di comparazione tra le due realtà religiose’, in: Mastromattei R., Nicoletti M., Riboli D., Sani, C., Tremore e potere: la condizione estatica nello sciamanismo himalayano, Milano, Franco Angeli, pp. 104-164

– (2017a) Poets and Mystics of Hindukush: The Spiritual Musical Tradition of the Ismailis, Florence-Bologna: A-Buzz Supreme – Stenopeica

– (2017b) Hindukush: Traditional Chitrali sitar music from northern Pakistan, Florence-Bologna: A-Buzz Supreme – Stenopeica

– (2013a) Charya: The Tantric Musical Tradition of the Kathmandu Valley, Florence-Bologna: A-Buzz Supreme – Stenopeica

– (2013b) Gandharva: The Magic Sound of the Nepali Sarangi, Florence-Bologna: A-Buzz Supreme – Stenopeica

– (2013c) Shamans of the East: Ritual Songs of the Himalayan Kulung Shamanic Tradition, Florence-Bologna: A-Buzz Supreme – Stenopeica

– (2013d) Chala Ra Dhatu: Newari Percussions of the Kathmandu Valley, Florence-Bologna: A-Buzz Supreme – Stenopeica

– Nicoletti M. (2008), The Path of Light: Ritual Music of the Tibetan Bon, Bologna, Borgatti Edizioni Musicali




– M. Nicoletti (ed.), Kathmandu: diario dal Kali Yuga (book + CD), Paris, Le loup des steppes, 2016

– Stenopeica (2013), Kathmandu: disiecta membra, Florence-Bologna: A-Buzz Supreme – Stenopeica

– Stenopeica (2012), Kathmandu: Eclissi delle due lune, Florence-Bologna: A-Buzz Supreme – Stenopeica



2014 Water memory. Mostra multimediale, Lassalle College of the Arts, Singapore

2012 Chuna wa tok (Lime and Mud). Series of landscape artworks; Village of Booni; Hindukush Pakistan

2012 Submerged Landscape. Photographic exhibition; Booni Community Centre; Booni Village – Hindukush Pakistan

2012 A Human Zoo: among the Kayan of North Thailand. Photographic exhibition; Museo Nazionale D’arte Orientale “Giuseppe Tucci”, Rome

2012 The Zoo of the Giraffe Women. Video-installation; Centre for Contemporary Art (CCA), Glasgow

2012-2011 Beuys and the shaman. Series of installations; Palazzo della Penna – Museum of Contemporary Art; Municipality of Perugia; Perugia (Italy)

2011 Ruins. Photographic installation. Abandoned house; Trasimeno Lake; Umbria (Italy)

2010 Nomads of the Invisible. Photographic exhibition and multimedia installation; Leonessa Museo Civico, Leonessa, Rieti (Italy)

2009 Bangkok: Dreams of a Dead Person. Installation; “Area Privata Gallery”, Perugia (Italy)

2009 Chod: Sacrifying the Self. Photographic exhibition and multimedia installation; Sala Santa Rita – Comune di Roma, Rome

2008 Kathmandu, Leçons des ténèbres. Photographic exhibition; Fahrenheit 451, Rome

2006 Warlungma. Butoh performance; Buddhist temple of Wat Nyuttitham, Champasak (Laos)




2014 Show Cabinet. Multimedia installation; Show Studio, London

2012 The Last Mile. Multimedia installation; The Bonnafont Gallery, San Francisco

2012 I Must not Look You in the Eyes. Video-installation; Sound Thought – The Arches, Glasgow

2011 The Nine Doors: Shamanism and Contemporary Art. Video installation; Sala Santa Rita (Rome)

2011 Lo zoo delle donne giraffa. Photographic exhibition and multimedia installation; “Stazione di Topolò”, Udine (Italy)

2011 Le nove porte. Video installation; Castello Brancaccio, Municipalità of San Gregorio di Sassola, Rome

2010 Stenopeica. Photographic installation; Silpakorn University, Bangkok

2010 A Shadow in a Wardrobe: Memories. Performance; Silpakorn University, Bangkok

2010 Taswir-tracks. Photographic exhibition and multimedia installation; “Stazione di Topolò”, Udine (Italy)

2008 Mekong Monsoon. Photographic exhibition; “Stazione di Topolò”, Udine (Italy)

2008 Leçons de ténèbres. Photographic exhibition and performance; Fattoria San Giuseppe, Spello (Italy)

2008 Visit of courtesy. Installation; “Casa d’Arte”, Spello (Italy)

2005 Disturbare le valanghe. Butoh performance; Furio Camillo Theatre, Rome

2003 Cosmogonia. Performance; Palazzo delle Papesse – Centre of Contemporary Art, Siena (Italy)



2012-2011 Beuys and the Shaman: Ecstasy, Ritual and Art; Museo Civico Palazzo Penna (Perugia, Italy)

2011 The Nine Doors: Shamanism and Contemporary Art; Sala Santa Rita (Rome)

2010 Nomads of the Invisible; Municipality of Leonessa; Museo Civico di Leonessa (Leonessa, Rieti, Italy)

2010 Taswir-tracks; “Stazione di Topolò”, Udine (Italy)

2009 Chod: Sacrifying the Self; Sala Santa Rita (Rome)

– No Fear (2022), directed by Martino Nicoletti (France, Production: Le loup des steppes, 7’)

– Bardo : la mort et l’au-delà dans la spiritualité tibétaine (2021), (France, Production INREES TV, 75’)

– The sundial of the Intangible (2021), directed by Martino Nicoletti (France, Production: Le loup des steppes, 1’30’’)

– Man in White (2021), directed by Martino Nicoletti (France, Production: Le loup des steppes, 1’30’’)

– The return of ancestors (2018), Directed by Martino Nicoletti, sound track by Roberto Passuti. ITA. Stenopeica, 8 mins.

Water Memory (2014) Directed by Martino Nicoletti, sound track by Roberto Passuti. UK. Stenopeica, 5 mins.

Mekong Reflections (2013) Directed by Martino Nicoletti, sound track by Roberto Passuti. UK. Stenopeica, 3 mins.

I Must Not Look You in the Eyes: The Zoo of the Giraffe Women (2011); Directed by Martino Nicoletti. UK. Stenopeica, 6 mins

The Nine Doors (2010); Directed by Martino Nicoletti. UK. Stenopeica, 8 mins.

Kulunge Super8 (2010) Directed by Martino Nicoletti. UK. Stenopeica. 6 mins.

Chöd, Offering the Self (2008) Directed by Martino Nicoletti. UK. Stenopeica. 6 mins.

Nepal, April 2006. A Rhapsody for a Missed Revolution (2008). Directed by Martino Nicoletti. Italy. Orange. 5 mins.

Landscapes seen from the top of a severed head (2002) Directed by Martino Nicoletti. Italy. Orange. 7 mins.

Currently: Director of the publishing house Le loups des steppes founded in Paris in 2015. He is also editor-in-chief of the series Cinnabaris – Series of Oriental Studies and Liminalia – Sketches of Visual Anthropology and Aesthetics both published by Vajra Publications of Kathmandu. In the field of ethnomusicology he is also the director of the collection Seeds of Sound in the Autumn of Power, devoted to the sacred musical heritages in Southern Asia

2005-2008: director of the scientific project: “Anthropology of the Mountain Regions” for the Italian IMONT (National Institute for Research in Mountain Areas)

1998-2008: director and principal investigator of the scientific project “Aesthetics and Ritual in the Himalayas” for the Ev-K2-CNR research project, funded by the Italian CNR (Italian National Research Council) and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; National director of the “Section of Anthropology” of the project

2004: International consultant in Africa for the Oral and Intangible Heritage section of UNESCO (Paris)


1999-2010: collaboration with the editorial office of the programme Geo & Geo (Rai Tre – National Italian Channel) as scientific consultant and filmmaker and responsible for the anthropological section of the broadcast

2009-2010: correspondent in Asia and photo-reporter for the Italian press agency “Il Velino”

2008: collaboration with the editorial office of the programme Terzo Pianeta (Rai Tre – National Italian Channel) as scientific consultant, responsible for the anthropological section of the broadcast and studio specialist

2002: collaboration with the National Geographic Channel as scientific consultant for the anthropological sector of the programme “Campo Base” and studio specialist.

Bardo : la mort et l’au-delà dans la spiritualité tibétaine (2021), Directed by Martino Nicoletti, France, INREES TV, 75 mins

Gyalsen (2005) Directed by Charles Ramble and Martino Nicoletti, UK. Cambridge University. 200 mins.

Sulle orme di Laladum (Following Laladum’s footprints) (2000) Directed by Martino Nicoletti. Italy. Rai Tre. 25 mins.

Pa-wo: un rituale oracolare tibetano (Pa-wo: a Tibetan Oracular séance) (1998) Directed by Martino Nicoletti. Italy. Research Project: Spazio Sacro e Spazio profano in Eurasia. 28 mins.

Spirit Possession and Oracular transe (1993) Directed by Martino Nicoletti. Italy. Research Project: Spazio Sacro e Spazio profano in Eurasia. 45 mins.

I Tamang: vita ed aspetti religiosi (1991) Directed by Martino Nicoletti. Italy. Research Project: Spazio Sacro e Spazio profano in Eurasia. 14 mins.

Ama Bombo: The séance of a Tamang Shamaness (1990) Directed by Martino Nicoletti and Romano Mastromattei. Italy. Research Project: Spazio Sacro e Spazio profano in Eurasia, 58 mins.

I Tamang: vita ed aspetti religiosi (Les Tamang ; vie et réligion) 1991, 14’

Ama Bombo: The séance of a Tamang Shamaness. 1990, 58’

2011: International Conference: Cinema e diversità culturale, Università di Roma III (Italy). Paper: Visual media primitivism in a digital age

2010: Fourth Annual International ACSA (Asian Cultural Studies Association) Conference: The Visual Imagination: Across Boundaries, Assumption University, Bangkok, 1-3 November 2010. Paper: Demons of Dust and Gods of Boiled Rice: Shamanism and Ephemeral Ritual Art in the Himalayas

2010: International Conference: Freeze frames: for a combination of cinema and photography, Musée du Quai Branly, Paris – 9-10 April, 2010. Paper: Vintage Visual Anthropology: A Himalayan Pilgrimage Narrated through 16 Black and White Photographs, 34 Pages of Field-work Journal and 6 Minutes of Super8 Film

2005: International conference: La mente e l’estasi, University of Salerno (Italy), 20-22 October 2005. Paper: The Ecstatic Body: The role of Corporeity and Performance in Himalayan Shamanism

1997: International Conference of the ISSR (International Society for Shamanistic Research), Chantilly, 1st—5th September, 1997. Paper: The Hunters of the Invisible: Ritual Hunts and Shamanism in the Himalayas

1996: International Symposium: The Shamanic Cosmos: From India to the North Pole Star, Venice (University Ca’ Foscari), 11-12 October 1996. Paper: Space, Movement and Symbol in a Himalayan Therapeutic Ritual